Artists Bullet Journal

You wouldn’t think that an innocuous To Do list could do so much damage to one’s self esteem would you?

I know first hand how setting unrealistic goals, being disorganised and striving for perfection can lead to feeling overwhelmed, unproductive and, quite honestly, miserable.

Over the years I have created a single book that use planning systems that allow you to manage your Art business and Art practice and business around your personal or family life and a job if you have one.

As Artists we not only have to create Art we also have to manage a home and family life, sometimes another job and all the admin that comes with running your own business. If these things are not managed they can get in the way and prevent you from making your best work.

I’ve created strategies that make goal planning more effective which will enable you manage your time better, achieve your goals and reduce feelings of overwhelm and the anxiety when life gets busy.

Get started by clicking here.