
I am so glad you are here. I am Anna, a mum of two girls, an Artist, a part time Art teacher, and an Art coach. I also have ADHD. I create courses for Artists to help organise their lives so they can find more space and time to create Art.

What Is A Bullet Journal?:

A Bullet Journal is a calendar, a to-do list, a goal-tracker and a diary all in one. To find out more about Bullet Journals here.

My Story:

Before I was diagnosed with ADHD I struggled with being organised. I would start and never finish projects, set unrealistic goals and take on too much. Years of this resulted in me feeling like I was failing all the time.

I had always kept a diary but I never used it properly. I made ridiculously long To Do Lists and has notes in dozens of notebooks. I started my own Bullet Journal and gradually learned how to plan my time better. As I set my Art business in 2018 I got more organised and to do this I needed strategies to organise my time and learn how to set and achieve goals effectively. That’s when I created my Artists Bullet Journal, and it has transformed how I plan my time as well as managing my anxiety.

As an Art Coach I talk to other Artists a lot, and it turns our many Artists feel overwhelmed and disorganised. Maybe that’s because ADHD is very common in creatives. After hearing that many people were struggling, as I did, I decided to share how I have created my Bullet Journal with others.

What If I’m Not Selling My Art?:

The majority of this course will help you to plan and manage your time better. There are only a few planners concerned with the selling of your work. You can always skip the videos that don’t feel relevant to you.

How To Use The Modules:

Work through the 5 modules at your own pace. Most videos are purposefully short to avoid (boredom!) and that feeling of overwhelm. Plus it will make it easier for you to find what need should need to rewatch any of the content.

Watch the videos and work along with me if you like. On each module there are resources and a checklist for you to download and print if you wish.

At the bottom of each page you will find links to the other modules and you can use the Help button if you have a question.

Gather Your Supplies:

Check out the supply list which contains links to my recommendations.

The Facebook Group:

Don’t worry, this is not a group where you will feel duty bound to turn up and do all the things. It’s simply a place to share your BuJo, see what others are doing and ask me any questions. Plus I give live sessions every now and again that cover the course content but also new content. This is a great opportunity to get help with your BuJo or ask me anything about planning and time management.