Anna is a Minimalist Abstract Artist based in London, UK.

Her work explores the power of negative space, drawing inspiration from the Zen philosophy of Ma—the harmony within spatial relationships. Incorporating the principles of Shibumi, Anna’s process embraces complexity while yielding pieces of subtle, unobtrusive beauty.

Beginning with careful observation of nature's tangible elements, Anna distills her subjects to their essence. By stripping away the superfluous, she works with gestural marks and elemental colors, inviting viewers to pause and embrace the quietude within her art.

Anna’s approach to Minimalism is enriched by influences from Abstract Expressionism, mid-century Abstraction, and Japanese calligraphy, with a nod to the structural precision of Constructivism.

Anna has been teaching Art in secondary education since 2004 and she also coaches other Artists.

Anna has worked with clients including Netflix, Omaze, Gordon Ramsay, Glencore and Myo.


Events and Exhibitions


‘Ode To Light’ Art Snug, London

The Other Art Fair, Truman Brewery, London

Urban Art Fair, London

‘Happy Place’ Art Snug, London

‘Summer Show’ TAP Art Gallery, Essex


The Other Art Fair, Truman Brewery, London

Urban Art Fair, London

Group Exhibition, The Art Office, London

Group Exhibition, Turner Art Perspective Gallery, Essex


The Other Art Fair, Kings Cross, London

The Other Art Fair, Truman Brewery, London

The Affordable Art Fair, London

Collection 2, Katherine Richards Gallery, Hove


The Other Art Fair, Truman Brewery, London

The Other Art Fair, Kings Cross, London

Group Exhibition, 508 Gallery, London


The Affordable Art Fair, London

Solo Exhibition ‘The Land’ 508 Gallery, London

The Auction Collective, ‘Enter The Abstract’ Auction

The Society of Women Artists Exhibition

The Royal Society of Painters in Watercolour, The Mall Galleries, London

The V Art Show


The Other Art Fair, Victoria House, London

The Auction Collective, Spring Auction, London

The Other Art Fair, Truman Brewery, London

Urban Art Fair, London

The Auction Collective, Winter Auction, London

The Auction Collective, Spring Auction, London


ING Discerning Eye, The Mall Galleries, London

Contemporary Art Fair, Windsor, UK

Urban Art Fair, London