Online event

A day decluttering together




Create a Calm and Organised Studio Space

Studio spaces are sacred.

They are not simply places where you store materials, they are so much more. They are a working place of business and also a sanctuary for your soul. A showroom for potential clients perhaps, yet also a private space to retreat to. A place where serious Art making happens but also a room for play. Perhaps even more than your home, your studio is a reflection of you.

I use the words studio loosely. A studio is any space where you do most of your creating. It could be a rented building, a garden shed, a spare room, a kitchen table or even your bedroom floor. No matter your space it needs to enable your creative practice.

Perhaps even more so than your home, your studio can easily become cluttered. Artists by nature like to collect things; objects, Art material, ideas etc. So they can easily become cluttered and disorganised, so that being in the space feels frustrating, even stressful which of course impacts on your Art making but also your emotional state.


This service is for you if you...

  • Feel stressed about being in your creative space.

  • Are always loosing things.

  • Need more space to work.

  • Struggle to part with things you no longer need.

  • Feel overwhelmed and discouraged when it comes to getting organised.

  • Want to access materials in your studio.

  • Need tips on how to keep your studio organised and tidy.

  • Would like to create a space that ignites joy and inspiration.


Why this service is so special

I have worked with many people who work creatively in a range of ways and have very different studio spaces. Each person is as unique as their creative space thus requiring a personalised, not formulaic approach.

Those offering an organising service as not usually Artist. As an Artist myself I fully respect the working practices of that person and the need to hold onto items that others might deem unnecessary. My role is not to judge or force you to get rid of things, but only to remove what is superfluous so you prioritise what your space needs in order for it to function properly.

Having ADHD (like many creatives) and being a Highly Sensitive Person, I am acutely aware of how an environment affects us not just practically but also, physically and energetically. I can help you build systems and order into your studio to support your creative practice.



Reduce your materials and prioritise what is most important for you and your Art practice.


Store your Art and materials in a way that maximises space, increases efficiency and minimises stress.


Make your studio a calm and functional space that reflects you personality and Art practice and inspires you to create.


“This service is so much more than just tidying.”



I offer hands-on support to declutter and organising your creative space. We will work together to prioritise material and potentially reconfigure the space so it works for you.

You will be required to instruct me as to what is important to you an your Art making, and I will help you organise the space to creating better systems that support your creative practice.

I will be happy to you move furniture if required and provide some basic cleaning.

The end result will be an organised, more functional space that feels loved. A space that you enjoy spending time in and enables your working practice.

For those out side the UK I offer can offer a virtual service.

What’s Included:

  • 6hrs on person 1-1 support

  • Initial assessment of your space

  • Help to reduce and consolidate materials.

  • Improve your organisation systems.

  • Create zones in your studio.

  • Assess storage solutions.

  • Create a beautiful functional space that reflects you and your Art process.

  • Includes travel within 10 miles.*



*Travel above 10 miles is charged at £1 per mile. 



If you live outside the UK or need some organising advice I can help provide a virtual service.

What’s Included:

  • 1-1 online session

  • 1hr

  • Initial assessment of your space

  • Setting intentions

  • Bespoke advice on how to organise your space, consolidate materials, create zones in your studio, storage solutions and how to create an inspiring space that supports your creative practice.

  • PDF bespoke action plan




Having someone with me meant I didn’t get stuck in a spiral.
Your help has transformed my studio.
We got rid of things I’d been keeping for years.
The whole room feels more spacious
She’s the absolute best and we had so much fun.
We got a lot more done that I expected to.
Thank you very much Anna for making decluttering and organising a truly thoughtful and sustainable process.
She was very patient, but fun and we had a great time sorting through everything. I loved her methods and energy and would highly recommend her to any artist who needs some help.



I’m an Artist, Art teacher, Art coach and mum of 2 living in London, UK. Oh, and I also have ADHD.

Only recently diagnosed, I spent most of my life struggling with feelings of overwhelm, a cluttered home, dozens of half started projects and forever making mistakes and loosing things. It was no surprise that I lived with a feeling of failure and depression.

My healing journey began with simplifying and streamlining my home, implementing organisation strategies and embracing minimalism to boost my productivity and creativity. Plus living in London means my studio is small and currently in my home, so I have become adept as utilising a small space so it does not hinder my Artistic goals.

Fast forward to today and I’m living a calmer, more fulfilling life. In my coaching work I noticed that issues with organisation and overwhelm were prevalent in the Artist community. So I created several courses and services aimed to help other creatives organise and simplifying their spaces, their schedules and their digital life.

  • No. We focus on whatever space you use to make your Art, be that a separate studio or your kitchen table. My process will work for any space.

  • If you live further than 15 km from london please contact me to discuss travelling. I charge £1 per km after 15km from London.

  • I will help you decide what to throw, recycle, sell and donate, and help you bag everything up. I can help you throw away rubbish and recycle but I will not be able to take your donation or things to recycle.

  • Yes. The strategies and principles I will show you will work in any space.