Q: Can I start the course at any time of year?

A: Most people start their diaries at the start of January, but I start mine in September to follow the academic year. The beauty of creating your own Bullet Journal is you decide what month it will start. I once created an 18 month Bullet Journal. The journal works best if it spans at least 12 months, so I recommend starting your Journal at the month you begin the course until the end of December, then include the next 12 months. Your next Bullet Journal will then be 12 months.

Q: How long will it take me to draw out the whole Bullet Journal?

A: A day if you do it in one go. I usually spend a week doing a little each evening in front of the TV. Do it in a way that feels enjoyable.

Q: How long will I have access to the course?

A: You have life time access, even if I update and add more content.

Q: The course is not what I expected, can I get a refund?

A: Of course as long as it’s withing 30 days of signing up to it. Just contact me and I’ll be happy to refund you, no questions asked.

Q: Do I really only need one book to organise my entire life?

A: Yes. Although I have a small notebook for my teaching job that I keep ay work. I would encourage you to keep a notebook which is less precious and you and brain dump and scrawl ideas done, but the trick is to transfer and important info to your BuJo then tear out and throw away the pages when you’re done.

Q: Can I still use digital forms of organisation?

A: Absolutely. You may find that you’d prefer to keep a digital record of your expenses or your social media tracker rather than keeping it in your BuJo. The ideas is to avoid doubling up information.

Q: Do I need to join the Facebook group?

A: Nope. It’s just there if you’d like to ask the community a question or share your ideas. I occasionally will do a live where I will share more content not on the course, or do a Q&A session.