Sometimes we just need a push to get started then some handholding along the way.

  • Take part from anywhere.

  • Declutter your space in real time with me.

  • Create your perfect studio.

Join me LIVE

Sat 27th July 2024

3 -10pm UK BST

Want to take part but these dates don’t work for you?

Just add your name to the waitlist to be notified of when new dates are added.

Have you been putting off sorting out your studio?

Do you feel frustrated and overwhelmed when you’re in your studio?

Are you lacking space to make work, keep loosing things and need more space to store things?

Do you feel that disorganisation is affecting your creativity?

Do you struggle with starting the decluttering process?

Well, let’s tackle it together.

I am inviting you to join me for a whole day to declutter your studio.

You will declutter and reclaim your Art studio with me helping you along the way.

For a whole day you will really get to grips with the clutter in your studio and I will be on hand to answer questions and share advise.

Working together in a group on Zoom is more cost effective and will provide more accountability, ensuring you achieve that beautiful, organised studio you have always wanted.

You can work at your own pace and there will be time for chats, questions and biscuit breaks.



What To Expect

  • An all day event - with breaks, you will declutter with purpose.

  • Online event - group zoom call.

  • Accountability and encouragement - keep your camera on so I can keep you on track.

  • Tips, Q&A and strategies - How to declutter efficiently to avoid overwhelm. How to create zones in your studio. How to make it a beautiful space that reflects your personality.

  • Check ins and support*- you can ask me for help and advice along the way.

*Chats, laughs and lots of tea breaks!





  • Welcome. Intention setting and preparations.

  • Declutter materials and create space.

  • Lunch

  • Assess the space, create zones and make it beautiful.

  • Review. Plan next steps.



Having someone with me meant I didn’t get stuck in a decision spiral.
It feels a big weight lifted, I know I wouldn’t have completed on my own.
We got a lot more done than I expected
When I woke I remembered we did this, I had a little flutter of excitement that I could just step into it as it is now.

  • You will be sent an email with details of how you can best prepare for the session to maximise your time with me.

  • That doesn't matter. This will work for all creative spaces no matter how big or small.

  • The session will take place on Zoom all day so you do need access to the internet.

  • As the session will run for 7 hrs I will not be recording it.

  • Yes. I plan to run this session again and will vary the day. I will also be running an evening session for those of you not in the UK to accommodate your time zone. Please sign up to my mailing list to make sure you don't miss the next session.

    Alternatively you might like to book a 1-1 session with me. See the details on my website under Studio Declutter or simply email me.


If you’d love the companionship and drive to ensure you get your space settled and cleared.


Sat 27th July 2024

3 -10pm UK BST

Want to take part but these dates don’t work for you?

Just add your name to the waitlist to be notified of when new dates are added.

Got a question?